When you hunt in Nowheresville, Kansas on Thanksgiving Day, the thing you miss the most is the big, home-cooked dinner at the end of the day. For the past couple of years we’ve resolved this problem by microwaving a pair of Hungry Man turkey dinners and calling it, at best, a serviceable alternative. So this year we’ve upped our game and have conceived a different plan. We agreed to pre-cook, refrigerate, and then reheat our own Thanksgiving dinners at the hotel. I called my hunting buddy to firm up the details and to determine who’d bring what…
Me: I’ll get a couple of rotisserie chickens, I’ll cook some mashed potatoes, and Laura has offered to bake us a homemade apple pie.
Scott: That sounds great!
Me: What are you going to bring?
Scott: (long pause) A can of corn and some cranberries?