Laura and I were unloading some fresh mulch into our driveway when our neighbor came over…
Neighbor: (smiling) Great. Just what we all need.
Me: What’s that?
Neighbor: The house with one of the nicest yards on the block is about to get even better.
Me: Well thank you. But it’s just a little mulch.
Neighbor: Are you kidding me? Do you know how hard it is to live next to you? You make me look bad.
Me: Nah, you look fine. But if you’d like some advice on your yard, I’d be happy to give it.
Neighbor: That’d be great!
Me: And no matter what you can take comfort in the fact that your yard looks a whole lot better than our neighbors across the street.
He looks across the street and winces.
Neighbor: Amen to that, brother. Amen to that.
Me: So about that advice…
The northern front is about to get a whole lot easier to defend.