Last month we were in Canada. As we were driving up the 401 in southwestern Ontario en route to Niagara Falls, we were passed by a large construction vehicle. I happened to glance over at the yellow and black elephant logo and was even able to clearly make out the name of the excavating company – Mammoth Erection.
I’m certain that the Canadian chap who founded the company was thinking about the heavy machinery, the large scale size of the job, strength, stature, stability, and what a task it would be to unearth a wooly mammoth. I’m sure of it. But that doesn’t stop me from having a chuckle to myself about the unmistakable double-entendre of the phrase.
Upon returning home, I spent a bit of time cruising their website and was struck by phrases like, “Please note that we are currently expanding” and “hover to enlarge.”
Those guys at Mammoth are either totally oblivious or pretty sharp with their witty off-color Internet terminology.