© 2015 Aaron Atkinson

No Password

Laura and I have hundreds of fond memories of being in the hospital when Finn was born. That said, this little story is among my favorites…

My cousin, his wife and three daughters have come to visit us and to meet our one day old son. The girls each take turns holding him, rocking him and touching his little hands and feet.

In between turns, they pass the time by playing games on their parent’s iPhones.

After holding Finn, the youngest of the three, Pari, picks up my phone off the table by mistake. She turns the power on and as the screen lights up, so do her big brown eyes.

With a broad, toothless grin and unbridled delight that far surpasses the joy she just expressed from holding the baby, she gleefully exclaims, “Oooh! No password on this one! Where are you at Angry Birds?”


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