© 2021 Aaron Atkinson

Big Boy Bed

Nash wants to be just like his big brother and that includes sleeping in a big boy bed just like Finn. This past weekend, with Poppe’s help, we dismantled the crib that’s cradled all three of our babies. We then dismantled the bunkbeds in Finn’s room and moved one of the twin beds over to Nash’s room. Nash broke in his new bed in the same way that I used to break in hotel room beds – by giving them a good jumping.

With Finn and Gray, the transition out of the cage… err, crib… led to a couple weeks of rubber children who’d bounce from their beds the moment we laid them back down. We were worried the same would happen with Nash. We were pleasantly surprised when Nash slept in until 6:15 a.m.

Nash: I’m awake! Mommy, I’m awake!

I leap from my bed like it’s on fire and race down the hall without my feet touching the ground as I try to quiet Nash before he wakes up is brother and sister. He’s been caged… er, cribbed… for a lifetime and doesn’t realize he can simply climb out of bed. I’ve got no intent of teaching him that rubbery trick and instead lift him from his bed and carry him into our room.

Nash: (in a whisper) Mommy, I’m awake!

Laura: Good morning, buddy.

Nash: I want to go downstairs and see Grammy and Poppe.

Laura: Okay, but you have to be quite going down the stairs.

Nash: Okay. I’ll be quiet.

He slides out of our bed (which happens to sit about two feet higher than his), tiptoes from our room, walks to the stairs, and quietly creeps down. We can hear his little feet hit the hardwood.

Me: (in a whisper to Laura) He made it. The bigs are still asleep.

Nash: (yelling!) MOMMY! I’M BEING QUIET!

Finn and Gray bounce from their beds and so begins our Sunday.

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