Yesterday Laura made a chicken pot pie. After carving out a pair of delicious, steaming slices she left the pie on the counter to cool so the crust wouldn’t go steam-soft in the fridge. A couple of hours later I noticed the cooled pie was still on the counter, so I wrapped it in plastic and set it in the refrigerator. A couple of hours after that…
Laura: Shoot! I left that chicken pot pie on the counter! It’s probably spoiled by now. Dang it!
Aaron: (playing it cool) You may have forgotten, but I didn’t.
Laura: You put it in the fridge?!?
Aaron: Yep. I saved your bakin’.
Laura: Awesome! (puzzled look) But there wasn’t any bacon in that recipe.
P.S. I do feel kind of bad about posting this one. I needed some blog fodder so I pretty much set her up for it.
P.S.S. A bacon pot pie actually sounds pretty good….