The other day it snowed in Kansas City. And not just a little, it dumped ten inches in as many hours. The roads were dicy on the ride into work the next morning and it was darn cold, but most forged ahead.
While thawing out in front of my computer I googled symptoms of hypothermia just for kicks. Moments later my search was interrupted when an email from a coworker popped up. I thought you might like to read the ensuing exchange…
K: How is the commute?
B: I haven’t left yet.
Me: The main streets are ok. They are empty. The neighborhood wasn’t plowed… that was fun.
K: I have 9 call when drive in during probably…
(Yep. That’s what she wrote.)
Me: K, was that English?
Symptoms of Hypothermia: Clumsiness, slurred speech, mumbling, stumbling, confusion or difficulty thinking.
Sheesh, I hope she’s ok!
One Comment
I was still at home because I had to shovel my drive to get out…and I had hypothermia after that ordeal!!