Tag: work

Fly Guy

Fly Guy

Finn: Daddy, Mommy says I look pretty sharp. Me: You do, buddy. Finn: Do you think I look fly? Me: Fly? Finn: Yeah, Mommy says I look fly in …


Hunting Handywork

Hunting Handywork

What sort of weapon do you hunt with?


Fully Covered

Fully Covered

Wear your company shirt day…


Ink Blot

Ink Blot

It’s going to be a great day, Double A…


Five Second Rule

Five Second Rule

The five second rule no longer applies….




Life in the wild takes a lot of work…


Good Fishing

Good Fishing

A bad day of fishing…


Stopping to Smell

Stopping to Smell

Laura and I smile and simultaneously respond…


Ladder Days

Ladder Days

Hopping from meeting to meeting fills the day, but it doesn’t always fill it with work.




He loved watching Little House on the Prairie with his young children.


Chocolate, Bar

Chocolate, Bar

My partner in crime at work is on a two week vacation in Spain.


What Goes Around…

What Goes Around…

At a work dinner last week…


Funny Guy

Funny Guy

I looked at him, he looked at me.


The Gift of Laughter

The Gift of Laughter

Last week at work we were talking about the worst Christmas presents we’d ever received.