© 2011 Aaron Atkinson

Call You Back

I’m in the middle of supper. The phone rings. The stranger on the other end asks, “Is this Mr. Atkerskin?”

Me: Uhhh, this is he.

Salesman: Yes, sir, this is Ronald. I’m calling with a special offer from…

But I interrupt.

Me: But I’m in the middle of supper…

He interrupts.

Salesman: I understand Mr. Ackninson, this will just take a minute. Have you heard…

I cut in once more.

Me: Just a minute? Oh, ok. Tell you what, you give me your home phone number and I’ll call you back. Say around 6 p.m.? Is that when you eat supper?

Salesman: Uhhh…

Me: I understand your hesitation Ronald, but it will just take a minute.

I hang up.

I feel kind of bad. I was a bit of a punk.

I take another bite. It’s delicious. I feel better.


  1. Sean
    Posted February 9, 2011 at 5:32 pm | #

    You are so cruel to those poor, poor telemarketers….just trying to make an honest living selling you the crap you don’t need. God bless them, and God bless you my friend.

  2. Aaron Atkinson
    Posted February 10, 2011 at 2:23 pm | #

    To be fair, if he hadn’t called right during dinner I would have politely, yet abruptly, just hung up. Thanks for the blessings!

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