Something exciting happened today. A couple of weeks ago, I thought that a recently posted photograph and blog post had a little something extra to it, so I passed the link along to a correspondent I have at Pheasants Forever. He responded with a nice email and a request to feature the photograph and story on his blog. Naturally, and excitedly, I obliged.
This afternoon, Anthony emailed me the link. And just like that, for the first time in the history of Picture This Life, a story hit mainstream media.
I came home this evening with a rawhide and told Indie the good news. With a thumping wag of her tail, she hastily snatched the bone. As she gnawed away I thought I heard her ask, “What’s next…. Hollywood?”
That said, after playing dress-up with Laura, I’m pretty sure my regal beagle has changed her mind.
What a great picture!!! Janet
Pretty cool, Aaron. Congrats. The birthday shot, and this one, are classics.
love it! …. the picture … the blog …. the link
Janet, Dave, Mom – Thanks! 🙂