© 2011 Aaron Atkinson

Huddle Up

Laura’s cousin Dan graduated from high school last Spring and he started his freshman year at KU earlier this Fall. A couple of weeks ago, Laura’s Aunt Jayne hosted Sunday family dinner at her house. As Laura and I left our house and headed to dinner, I flicked off the TV just as the Packers and the Bears were headed into the fourth quarter of a fairly close game.

As soon as we got to Jayne’s house I headed for Dan’s abandoned bedroom to watch the last few minutes of the game on his 20 inch TV. Aside from the dresser that the TV was sitting on, the bed was the only furniture in the room. I sat at its foot to watch the game.

A few minutes later Laura’s cousin and her husband Tim arrived. Tim joined me at the foot of the bed.

Wanting to be social, many of Laura’s family members came and went from that small corner bedroom over the next few minutes. One turned off the lights. Another closed the door. Another opened the door. And through it all, Tim and I kept watching Green Bay beat up on Chicago.

As the final whistle sounded, Laura came in.

Laura: The family is talking. They think it’s weird that you guys are alone in here watching football, sitting at the foot of the bed.

Me: It’s either the bed or the floor. There’s no where else to sit.

Laura: But you’re sitting so close. It is funny.

She smiled and walked away.

In his wry and witty way, Tim chuckled quietly to himself. With a grin he then said to me.

Tim: Good thing they didn’t catch us spooning at the two minute warning.



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