© 2012 Aaron Atkinson

Zombie Highway

A couple of my pheasant hunting buddies recently bought themselves iPads. The last time we got together they both asked me the names of some apps I’d recommend they download. I took a moment to assess my audience and then told them to check out a game called Zombie Highway.

Me: You drive down a deserted highway and these zombies jump onto your car. You have to nudge other cars to knock them off.

Heath: Sounds ok.

Me: And if you can’t knock them off on other cars, you can always just shoot them off.

Heath: It just got a lot better!

Me: And the object is to drive for a long as you can, knocking and shooting zombies off of your car before they eventually, undoubtably overwhelm you, flip your vehicle over, and kill you.

Heath: Sold. Sounds like a winner to me.

Chris: That doesn’t sound like an app, it sounds more like a really bad business trip I once took to Birmingham!


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