Laura got a new iPhone today…
Laura: It’s awesome, and I traded my old one in, so it was only 50 bucks.
Me: Nice. Did you get a case for it?
Laura: Yep.
Me: Great. Is it sturdy enough to save your phone when you drop it? (She dropped the old one a dozen times.)
Laura: Pretty sturdy.
Me: Is it waterproof? (She dropped the old one in the toilet.)
Laura: Nope. Not waterproof.
Me: Are you sure you got the right case?
Laura: I am. It’s the prettiest one they had.
Me: Uhhh…
Laura: C’mon, you know I go for the looks. Why do you think I married you?
Good question, if she goes for looks, why do you think she married you?
Every time I look in the mirror I ask myself the same question. 🙂