This virus has really messed a lot of things up. This week Laura has to go and pick up Finn’s school supplies as the rest …


Creature Crazy

Creature Crazy

Children’s programming sure has come a long way…


Corona Confusion

Corona Confusion

You know, the one where he talks to animals…




Closed her eyes, bowed, and whispered…


Fishing with Finny

Fishing with Finny

I wanted to fish…




Can I have some of that nugget syrup…


Over his head

Over his head

Just one last step…


Monster Mouth

Monster Mouth

We need to shoot him in the mouth…


Pillow Talk

Pillow Talk

Daddy, I need a new pillow.




Laura and the kids are at the dinner table. Gray spills a fork-full of spaghetti on her shirt. Gray: Oh my gosh! I’m going to go …


She Sure Does

She Sure Does

Bedtime is tough.


Pumpkin Spice

Pumpkin Spice

Gray’s eating a package of fruit snacks in the back of the Odyssey while Laura and I chat upfront. Gray: Mom. Mom! MOM! Laura: Gray, I’m …




It’s Sunday afternoon. Gray and Nash are napping. Finn’s playing with his toys on the living room floor. I’m watching the Chiefs play football. It’s …


Jolly Trolley

Jolly Trolley

The week before Christmas we met some friends and their kids for dinner on the Plaza followed by a Christmas light trolley ride that departed …