I was asleep.
Asleep until I was jarred awake by the pitchy double-chirp of a smoke alarm low on juice. I slid into a robe and in a REMy haze tried to track down the offending alarm.
I went downstairs but the chirp grew softer. I came back upstairs, isolating myself behind closed doors in a process of chilly, sleepy elimination. I finally found the offender – the office alarm.
I replaced the battery and went back to sleep.
Until this moment I’d nearly forgotten about the whole thing, like a bad dream dreamt early in the night. But when I hopped online to catch up on the Modern Family episode I’d missed, the reality of the situation returned.
If you liked my post about The Swaggerwagon, if you’ve ever changed a smoke alarm, if you like to laugh, if you have ever watched television – you should watch Modern Family.
Heck, you can even do it online and with minimal commercial interruption!
Photo note: I didn’t shoot this one. It’s a screen shot from abc.com.
I used to be fun, too. But I let go of that. You can’t have two fun parents. That would be a carnival!
On Friday, October 24th 2008 the Mann carnival came to the Atkinson house for dinner. I remember it quite clearly. The daughters of two fun parents tried to ride my dog like a pony. Carnival indeed. 😉
Sadly, I can’t argue with that…. it’s all too true!
Modern Family is one of the funniest shows on TV. It is accompanied by Community, Cougar Town (despite its awful name), The Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother.
Nearly fact.
I whole-heartedly concur will all, save one… Cougar Town. It should be called Cougar Attack because with all the work Courtney Cox has had done, she might as well have been attacked by a cougar. I just can’t bear to watch… oooh, better name… Bear Attack.