There’s a hymn we sing in church entitled, Make Me a Servant. It goes like this…
Make me a servant
Humble and meek
Lord let me lift up those who are weak
And may the prayer of my heart always be
Make me a servant
Make me a servant
Make me a servant today
On the way to church this morning I got a text from my cousin John. It contained an image he’d snapped from the church bulletin. Front and center in the image was the hymn title, Make Me a Servant.
It’s a timely topic because just a couple of weeks ago as we pheasant hunted together in South Dakota we chuckled about how we’d altered the lyrics while singing next to each other in college. As I recall the service was running long and we were both rather hungry. Our re-write went something like this…
Make me a sandwich
Oh what a treat
Layer on the lettuce, tomatoes and meat
Don’t forget the mustard, the mayo, the cheese
Make me a sandwich
Make me a sandwich
Make me a sandwich please