But all that said, I’m not one to get melancholy about the passage of time. It’s just the way it is.
But all that said, I’m not one to get melancholy about the passage of time. It’s just the way it is.
I give her a few more minutes, climb off my ladder and walk over to inspect her handy work…
As I often do when I’m in a pickle, I called my Dad and asked him for advice…
Laura took at stab at penning her opening sentence. It went like this…
Laura’s 17 year old cousin recently explained to us his newest theory on dating…
While the destination eludes me, what happened on the ride home is something I’ll never forget…
The oranging sky is dotted with doves in every direction. Flocks of a dozen birds are trying to land right on top of us…
My good buddy Ed has a thought-provoking theory on public bathroom hygiene…
Monthly Archives: September 2010